Get a job.
Hi there. This is my first blog post ever.
My first job was working under the table for a Chinese fast food spot. I waited tables, handled the cash register, and ate a lot of Chinese takeout.
That was when I was 13. I wanted to hustle, make money, and save up for stupid things. If only Dave Ramsey told me to invest my money into an IRA…
Anyway, my first real job was taking calls for my dad and helping him translate difficult English vocabulary. Words I didn’t even know but I got the gist from context. I was helping my dad juggle two languages in my head while learning how to communicate with all kinds of people over the phone.
Today, I also have many jobs. I recently updated my resume and I seriously got 4 ongoing jobs at the same time. Am I okay?? No seriously.
I can’t not be doing SOMETHING. I often ponder about my life’s purpose and try to decipher the meaning in every aspect of my life. Even when I was working as a retail worker at Eddie Bauer.
You’ve heard the saying, Jack of all trades, master of none. But I wonder if we could flip that and make it Phil enjoys lots of trades, master of some depending on the season.
I guess my thing is, if you love something enough- and I mean even just the idea of it. You pursue it through education, countless youtube videos, and talking about it with friends… Chances are, you should go for it! Even if it means a short internship or learning experience for a weekend. You never know if that tryout will be your new starting position.
I’m still figuring out my life purpose. I have so many interests that I had to make a whole website dedicated to everything I do! But I believe in different seasons, we’re called to specific things. So, I have hope that whatever I’m doing now- I’m intentional and present.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk blog. I plan to do this every week. Even if no one reads it.